2016.12.18 明治大学英語部 第61回 板橋杯スピーチコンテスト報告

開催日 2016年12月18日(日)
会場 明治大学和泉キャンパス第2校舎3番教室
スピーチ形式 7分の Prepared Speech (最大8分切り)、3分の Question and Answer


【Time Table】

12:30 Door Open

13:00 Opening Ceremony

13:10 1st Session(1st~7th) 

14:55 Intermission

15:40 2nd Session (8th~14th)

17:25 Judging Time

18:10 Closing Ceremony

18:40 Reception

20:00 All Over

【Speaking Order】

1st Ms. Rika Manabe “The Beautiful Ugly Duckling”
2nd Ms. Saki Nagamine “Step to live in tomorrow”

3rd Ms. Ayaka Ohi “Why I Am Standing Here”

4th Ms. Shiho Susaki “Not Burdens But Our Companions”

5th Ms. Yume Hasegawa “Dreaming Girl”

6th Mr. Hiroto Hayasaka “Key to Break Through a Wall”

7th Ms. Sairi Kakinuma “Grab the Forelock”

8th Mr. Keisuke Takayanagi “Never Utilize for Killing Endeavour of Science”

9th Ms. Miu Inoue “Words Can Be Weapons”

10th Ms. Yuka Nukui “Hidden Sun”

11th Mr. You Takahashi “To hear what isn’t being said”

12th Mr. Koki Ishida “Spice to Your Life”

13th Ms. Mayu Hirakawa “We are the same”

14th Ms. Kanako Jitsu “Fly with You”


1st Prize: Ms.Rika Manabe ”The Beautiful Ugly Duckling”
2nd Prize: Ms.Kanako Jitsu ”Fly with You”
3rd Prize: Ms.Miu Inoue ”Words Can Be Weapons”

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